Legal status
Blandy & Blandy LLP is a firm of solicitors authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (ID 520336). References to a 'partner' are to a member of Blandy & Blandy LLP or to a non-member employee with equivalent qualifications and standing. A list of members may be inspected at our Registered Office at One Friar Street, Reading, RG1 1DA. Blandy & Blandy LLP is a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales with registered number OC348096. Blandy & Blandy LLP's VAT number is GB 198 9385 81.
The applicable law, unless otherwise agreed, is English law, with the English Courts having exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning the service and any matter arising from it.
Professional regulation
Blandy & Blandy LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) under SRA ID 520336 (Reading main office), 620716 (Reading 33 Blagrave Street office), 659870 (Henley-on-Thames office) and 8006230 (Wokingham). The SRA Standards & Regulations, including the Code of Conduct for Solicitors and the Code of Conduct for Firms, can be viewed here.
We are not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. However, we are included on the register maintained by the Financial Conduct Authority so that we can carry on insurance distribution activity, which is broadly the advising on, selling and administration of insurance contracts. This part of our business, including arrangements for complaints or redress if something goes wrong, is regulated by the SRA. The register can be accessed via the Financial Conduct Authority website.
Professional indemnity
Blandy & Blandy LLP's professional indemnity insurance (a total of £20 million cover) is provided by AIG Markel & Zurich Liberty, Newline and Antaries and Canopius.
Terms of business
Blandy & Blandy LLP's standard Terms of Business can be viewed here. A large font version is available on request.
Service standards
Blandy & Blandy LLP's Service Standards can be viewed here.
Website information
The information provided on this website should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional legal advice and it is essential that you verify all such information with us before taking any action in reliance on it. It is a condition of us allowing you free access to the material on this website that you accept that we will not be liable for any action you take in reliance on it.
Terms & conditions
Websites or web pages to which this website is linked are for information purposes only and Blandy & Blandy LLP accepts no responsibility for the content of such websites or web pages, nor do we accept responsibility for any losses or penalties incurred as a result of your use of any links or reliance on the content of any website to which this site is linked.
You may not frame, link or deep-link this website to any other website without our prior written consent. Should you wish to frame or to set up a link/deep-link to our website please contact
The contents of these pages are the copyright © of Blandy & Blandy LLP. The copying or incorporation into any other work of part or all of the material available on this website in any form is prohibited save that you may print or download extracts of the material on this site for your personal use, or copy the material on this site for the purpose of sending to individual third parties for their personal information provided that:
- you acknowledge us as the source of the material;
- you inform the third party of the terms of our disclaimer notice and that the terms of our disclaimer apply to him or her; and
- you inform the third party that the conditions of this copyright notice apply to him or her and that he or she must comply with them.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Blandy & Blandy LLP is committed to eliminating discrimination and to promoting equality and diversity and is an equal opportunities employer. The firm's Legal Diversity Survey Report can be viewed here.
Client feedback and satisfaction
We seek and listen carefully to your feedback, to help us maintain and further improve the legal services and client care we provide.
All clients are invited to share their experience of working with our firm. If you are a client and would like to do so, please see further information here. You can also view the results of our most recent satisfaction survey.
Please see further information on our Complaints Procedure here.