Discrimination, bullying and harassment - do you have a case?
Issues of discrimination, bullying and harassment in the workplace can affect many employees in a variety of ways, but such conduct is not acceptable and the law provides all employees (regardless of length of service) with the right to work in a safe and anti-discriminatory environment. Our expert Employment Law solicitors can help you to understand how you are protected by a combination of policies and legislation and your employer’s legal obligations towards you.
Employers should be advancing equality of opportunity and fostering positive working relations between those who share particular “protected characteristics” (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and/or sexual orientation) and people who do not share such characteristics.
Specialist advice
Obtaining specialist Employment Law advice at an early stage can enable you to identify your next steps and to achieve your preferred outcome – whether that may be assistance throughout an informal or formal internal grievance process, an apology from your employer or a colleague, or remedies that can be awarded by an Employment Tribunal, including compensation, a declaration or recommendation.
Please see further information on our team of Employment Law solicitors, based in Reading, Henley-on-Thames and Wokingham, and our full range of services.