Trusted legal advice since 1733
Blandy & Blandy Solicitors
Planning & Environmental Law Solicitors in Reading, Henley-on-Thames & Wokingham

Solicitors For Your Business

Planning & Environmental Law Solicitors in Reading, Henley-on-Thames & Wokingham

With offices in Reading, Henley-on-Thames and Wokingham, we are recognised as one of the most established and experienced teams of Planning & Environmental Law solicitors in the south east of England. We can also advise you remotely and you can expect the same legal advice and client care on which our leading reputation is based, however you decide to work with us.

Looking for expert legal advice?

Leading Planning & Environmental Law Solicitors in Reading, Henley-on-Thames & Wokingham

Land and property are often among the greatest assets of any individual or business. Whether you are submitting a planning application or appealing against a decision, navigating planning obligations or subject to enforcement action, maximising potential, while minimising any liability and retaining flexibility, is key. Keeping ahead of the many changes impacting upon planning, infrastructure and environmental legislation and policy is essential in order to achieve your aims.

The areas of Planning & Environmental Law are fast moving and only a specialist who spends all their time working in this field can be expected to stay abreast of developments. Our expertise in Planning & Environmental Law is recognised nationally and we are one of very few firms of solicitors outside of London with dedicated and significant experience in this specialist area.

Working With our Leading Team of Planning & Environmental Law Solicitors

We are regularly instructed by clients including independent and national developers; local authorities, town and parish councils; charities, universities and schools, property investors, financiers and businesses of all shapes and sizes and private individuals on a wide range of planning and environmental matters.

We continue to be involved in some of the most strategically important projects in the region, having been involved in high profile sites over the years such as Kennet Island, Green Park, M4 Junction 11, Reading Station, Thames Valley Science Park, the South Wokingham Distributor Road, Strategic Development Locations including Shinfield, Didcot and South Wokingham and other major employment and mixed-use developments across the region. We advise in relation to development sites ranging in size from under ten properties to more than 2,000 homes, with associated infrastructure and amenities, and provide an end-to-end service for both landowners and developers. We advise on all elements of planning law interpretation and implementation, 73 applications and drop in permissions, CPO and Judicial Review and have an advanced understanding of Biodiversity Net Gain requirements and how to implement those legal requirements. Recently we have been involved with a number of applications seeking film studio facilities.

Clients benefit from our established relationships and experience in working with other professional advisers who may be advising you, and from our detailed understanding of the region. Members of our team have also acted for and worked within local authorities, so we have a firm insight into how they operate and make decisions. These factors can often help to reduce the likelihood and impact of any unforeseen issues or costly delays, resulting in a smoother process and more favourable outcomes.

Trusted Expertise & Experience in Planning & Environmental Law

Blandy & Blandy is ranked among the UK's top-rated Planning Law firms in Planning Magazine’s 2024 Planning Law Survey and is consistently recognised as a top tier firm in the UK's leading guides to law firms, Chambers UK and The Legal 500. Partner and team head Karen Jones has also been individually recommended in both guides, with the former placing her in band 1 and the latter naming her a 'leading partner' in the field and in the 'hall of fame', and she is featured in Planning Magazine's list of the country's highest rated Planning Law solicitors, in joint 12th place.

We have been named as a finalist in the ‘Property Law Firm of the Year’ category at the Thames Valley Property Awards four times (2017, 2018, 2023 and 2024), winning in 2017. Recently, we were also named ‘Property Law Firm of the Year’ at the 2023 Insider South East Property Awards and 'Best Law Firm' at the 2023 Royal Berkshire Property Awards.

Our Planning & Environmental Law Solicitors

For expert legal advice call our Planning & Environmental Law team
Reading 0118 951 6800 or Henley-on-Thames 01491 572 323 Wokingham 0118 951 6888

Karen Jones

Karen Jones

Partner, Planning & Environmental Law

Download vCard 0118 951 6864

Read Bio

Tatiana Zanré

Tatiana Zanré

Legal Assistant, Planning & Environmental Law

Download vCard 0118 951 6913

Read Bio

Common Questions

Where are your offices located?


Our offices are conveniently located in ReadingHenley-on-Thames and Wokingham. We can also advise you remotely and you can expect the same legal advice and client care on which our leading reputation is based, however you decide to work with us.

What is the difference between a Planning lawyer and a Planning consultant?


There is often a perception of overlap between planning consultants and planning lawyers but if you have the right professionals advising that should not be the case. Read our blog article to find out more.

What will the costs be for seeking planning law advice?


Costs will vary depending on the complexity of the work and what the matter is at hand. Our team benefits from Planning Law specialists with different levels of experience and areas of expertise. This means we can offer clients the expertise required at the most cost-effective price.

Alongside solicitors’ costs, there may also be other costs associated with your matter, such as barrister’s fees or disbursements, which we will always discuss with you as part of your case.

How will I receive Planning Law advice and assistance?


The way we provide advice is tailored to your circumstances and the matter at hand. We can offer advice and assistance via written letters, email exchange or meetings (remote or in person), depending on the type of advice being sought.

How quickly can I expect to hear back after making an enquiry?


We aim to respond to enquiries the same or next day where possible (subject to weekends, holidays and bank holidays).

Why am I being asked to provide a Section 106 agreement and what is it?


Section 106 agreements (s106) in planning are legal agreements which are made either between a developer and a Local Planning Authority (LPA), or are an undertaking which is offered by the developer to the LPA. Planning Obligations are used where it is not possible to address unacceptable impacts of a development with a condition attached to the planning permission. Typically they are used to ensure that certain works are carried out, payments are made or affordable housing provided, when development is undertaken. S106 agreements can cover a range of different provisions and are useful to allow permission to be granted by mitigating any negative effects of development.

If you have been advised to submit a s106 agreement with a planning application and would like help with drawing up a suitable agreement, please contact our team.

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?


Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a newly adopted approach to development which ensures that wildlife habitats are left in a better condition than they were in before development commenced. Biodiversity value is calculated using a special metric and is measured in biodiversity units, which take into account factors such as the location, quality, size and type of habitat in question.

In England, it is mandatory for all developers to demonstrate that their project delivers a minimum 10% net gain in biodiversity. This can be achieved through a combination of on-site or off-site activities or via the purchase of biodiversity credits A legal agreement or conservation covenant is required to secure the BNG and demonstrate its provision. Some types of developments are exempt from BNG requirements.

For more information on how we may be able to help, please contact our team.

What is a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?


A Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge which can be imposed by Local Authorities by issue of the requisite CIL liability notice on new development, in areas where a charging schedule setting out the levy rates has been consulted on and approved by the Local Authority and published on its website. Development which creates a new dwelling or an additional new floor space of 100 square metres and over is potentially liable to CIL, however there are reliefs and exemptions which may apply.

It is important to note that CIL notices have very strict deadlines for appeal. The regime is highly complex, but for example, appeals against a surcharge (Regulation 117) must be made within 28 days of the surcharge. Similarly, appeals against a decision that development has commenced (Regulation 118) must be made within 28 days of the date of issue of the CIL notice. Should you wish to appeal against a CIL stop notice, you must appeal within 60 days of the date at which the notice takes effect.

If you have been served a CIL notice and would like advice and assistance on how or whether to appeal or believe you may be eligible for a relief or exemption, please contact our team.

What is the difference between a planning permission and a retrospective planning permission?


Planning permission is required for any new “Development” (as defined in the Town & Country Planning Act 1990), subject to exemptions, and an application for planning permission for development should be made to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) before any work has commenced.

Where there has been an omission in making the necessary application for permission for development, retrospective planning permission may be applied for and the LPA can grant permission for an acceptable development after it has taken place.

Not all work will constitute development and some works are granted permission under the General Permitted Development Order, so if you would like assistance in understanding if you need planning permission, or are unsure if you need to apply for retrospective planning permission, please contact our team.

What is an Enforcement Notice?


An Enforcement Notice is a legal regulatory notice which is served on the landowner, occupier of any land to which it relates and any other person with an interest in the land to advise the recipient of the notice that, in the opinion of the LPA, their development has breached planning control. This type of notice may be used where development has been carried out without seeking planning permission and the development is not considered to be development that would merit the grant of a retrospective permission. The notice must state the matters which appear to the LPA to constitute the breach of planning control, and the steps that must be taken to remedy the breach. The notice will also set out any time periods for compliance and information on how to make an appeal.

It is important to comply with any Enforcement Notice received unless an appeal can be made within the specified timescales, as failure to comply constitutes a criminal offence for which there are a range of consequences. Appealing an Enforcement Notice acts to suspend operation of the Notice but timeframes for appeal are very strict and early advice should be taken following the service of any Notice.

If you have been served an Enforcement Notice and would like assistance and advice on how to respond, please contact our team.

What is a Tree Preservation Order?


A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order which is made by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) to protect certain trees or woodlands. An order prevents the topping, lopping, cutting down (roots included), uprooting and wilful damage or destruction of the identified trees without first gaining written consent from the LPA. It is important to note that consent to tree works can be subject to conditions, which must be followed.

If you have been served a TPO and are unsure how to respond or would like further advice, please contact our team.

  • Why Choose Us?


    We are ranked among the UK's top 20 Planning Law firms and widely acknowledged as one of the Thames Valley’s leading firms of solicitors advising on Planning & Environmental law matters, with conveniently located offices in Reading, Henley-on-Thames and Wokingham.


    Listening carefully to our clients’ needs and aims, we are committed to providing you with clear, practical, commercially focused and effective legal advice, a responsive and highly personal service and, crucially, value for money.


    Highly experienced in acting for landowners, large and small; local and national developers, waste management companies, education providers and a wide range of businesses, you can trust in our significant expertise and experience.


    Our established relationships and experience in working with other leading firms who may be advising you, including land and property agents, surveyors and planning consultants, as well as with local authorities, can help to minimise the likelihood and impact of any unforeseen issues or costly delays.


    We provide a comprehensive range of legal services to organisations, business owners and management teams, allowing you to manage both your private and commercial needs more effectively using a single law firm.

Who We Work With


“'I use Blandy & Blandy in preference to London based firms as they have a focused and intelligent planning team that provides more attention to detail on a case.”

The Legal 500

“Blandy & Blandy is an estimable regional practice acting for clients such as local authorities and residential developers, as well as sizeable landowners.”

Chambers UK

“Blandy & Blandy handles the full range of environmental and planning matters, and advises on legal issues concerning high-profile sites and major projects across the region.”

The Legal 500

“Karen Jones is a leader in her field.”

Chambers UK

“Blandy & Blandy's planning and environmental practice has a track record of assisting clients with obtaining planning permission on particularly complex or controversial developments.”

The Legal 500

“Karen was delightful to work with and the written opinion was so professionally presented that it made a fundamental difference to discussions with the local planning authority. Blandy & Blandy's involvement saved my client from the significant cost of potentially demolishing a building along with the cost of wasted materials or alternatively having to submit a planning application, the chances of success here being limited. Without their involvement, I am not sure we would have arrived at such an equitable outcome, for both the client and the LPA! A great job done by a great team!”

Planning Consultant

“Blandy & Blandy has provided R Collard Limited with legal advice for over 12 years, supporting the growth of our company. They are a valued partner, understand our business needs and provide us with the right legal support, when needed.”

Managing Director, R Collard Limited

“Blandy & Blandy trooped together with our rather shell-shocked family through a long and protracted litigation battle that ended up in the High Court. Due entirely to their collective expertise, impeccable knowledge and strategic thinking, together with an excellent choice of Barrister, we secured an outcome that we were exceedingly pleased with, and one that also generally well covered in the media. There is no doubt in our mind that this could not have been achieved with any other team in place. We are, and will remain, extremely grateful.”

Director, Smokeys, Maidenhead

“We were recommended to instruct Karen Jones of Blandy's by both our architect and planning consultant, to assist in the purchase of SANG capacity for a residential development. We are experienced in commercial property transactions, having created and sold off a small retail portfolio but this was, to us, an entirely new and relatively complex type of transaction. Karen dealt with the instruction and could not be faulted in ensuring all matters were dealt with efficiently and effectively. Karen’s speed and level of communication are superb; it was clear to us that Karen cares deeply about her clients.”

Managing Director, Vaydon Limited

“Turner Property specialises in shared accommodation for students and professionals. These types of properties are known as houses in multiple occupancy (HMOs) and the planning rules around them are complex. After purchasing a portfolio of HMO properties from another landlord, that arguably had established use but had not been given lawful use legitimately, we sought advice from Blandy & Blandy as they had a dedicated planning solicitor, which not all law firms have. After lots of hard work, involving the required 10 years of evidence, we finally got a positive outcome. I would certainly recommend Blandy & Blandy to anyone facing a similarly complicated situation.”

Director, Turner Property Limited

“I would recommend the firm to others within the house building and development sector given the strength in depth of solicitors operating within the practice.”

Senior Land Director, Bloor Homes Limited

“Blandy’s have acted for us over a number of years on a diverse range of issues. We have found them to be clear, expert, well-resourced and approachable in their advice. ”

Director, Cove Construction Limited

“As a locally-based SME developer, we have worked with Blandy & Blandy for a number of years in the field of Planning Law. They have supported us on a number of projects, including helping with a neighbourhood plan examination process where we had a site allocated. More recently, we have worked with Karen Jones on a project where we successfully questioned the LPA’s legal position in terms of the affordable housing requirement. Our experience of working with Karen and the team has shown that Blandy & Blandy are a highly professional legal firm who produce results that match clients’ expectations, are achieved in a timely manner and are offered at a competitive price. I would definitely recommend working with Blandy & Blandy as their intricate knowledge of case law and appeal decisions will ensure that you are given the best chance of succeeding.”

Planning and Development Consultant, Elegant Homes

“We have relied on Blandy & Blandy’s expertise for a number of years, and I have the utmost confidence in them as being one of the best in what they do. The team take the time to understand our business needs and provide clear, user-friendly advice on even the most complex or business critical situations.”

Managing Director, Certikin International

“The Abbey is grateful for the continued support of Blandy & Blandy for professional services in particular relating to employment, property and planning law. We would be happy to recommend them to others.”

Bursar, The Abbey School

Awards & Accreditations

Top tier firm, Chambers UK Guide

Top tier firm, Chambers UK Guide

Top tier firm, The Legal 500

Top tier firm, The Legal 500

Held The Law Society's Lexcel quality mark for client care, compliance and practice management since 2003.

Held The Law Society's Lexcel quality mark for client care, compliance and practice management since 2003.

Top 25 Planning Law Firm, Planning Magazine 2024

Top 25 Planning Law Firm, Planning Magazine 2024

Winner, 'Property Law Firm of the Year', Thames Valley Property Awards 2017 and Finalist, 2018, 2023 and 2024.

Winner, 'Property Law Firm of the Year', Thames Valley Property Awards 2017 and Finalist, 2018, 2023 and 2024.

Winner, 'Best Law Firm', Royal Berkshire Property Awards 2023 and Finalist, 2024.

Winner, 'Best Law Firm', Royal Berkshire Property Awards 2023 and Finalist, 2024.

Winner, 'Property Law Firm of the Year', Insider South East Property Awards 2023.

Winner, 'Property Law Firm of the Year', Insider South East Property Awards 2023.